Friday 14 October 2011


OMG! Up to now I still can't believe that I went to Korean Wave Concert.

Honestly, the only reason I went there was because of  FT Island. I love them to the max that no one knows how I felt when I actually watched his performance live with my very own eyes were like...gahhh...way too awesome! He is so happening and gosh I freaking love his voice. ♥ :)
The concert kicked at around 7.30 p.m., right after the press conference. Tonight the emcee are U-kiss Kevin and Dongho with a Malaysian DJ and a Singapore DJ.

The first one to perform is the Hit korean band FT Island with the song “Hello Hello” Lee Hongki’s powerful vocals liven up the atmosphere. The crowd shouted and screaming dyingly . Not enough with the opening hit 'Hello Hello', they heated up the night with performing “Love Love Love” “Bad Women,” “Bing Bing Bing” and “I hope.” Gosh that's the best live stage performance I ever seen in my life.

Interview with FT- Island during the concert
Emcee: How to you feel about performing in Malaysia?
FT Island: It’s been four years since our last visit to Malaysia. We miss our fans here and always look forward to meeting them. We want to hold a summer concert in Malaysia.
Emcee: What is your favorite Malaysian food?
FT Island: We haven’t had a chance to try Malaysian food.
(The emcee tells them about some local Malaysian cuisine and says fans will treat them if they come back to Malaysia.)
FT Island:We will eat well!

Lee Hongki
Choi Jung Hun
Song Seung Hyun
Lee Jae Jin
FT Island

Next on stage is Teen Top with their new songs “No More Perfume On You”. Then they sang a slow and peaceful “Brushing” for the crowd. They continued the fans screaming by “Clap” “Angel” and “Supa Luv” Btw, just to tell ya , this was their first time to perform in Malaysia.
After introducing themselves, they said they hope to comeback to Malaysia again.

The four emcees are once again on stage. The local emcees teach Kevin and Dongho how to say “handsome” and “pretty girls” in Cantonese. They hint that the next performing group is the only girl group tonight, 4 minute!
Male fans shout louder than before and do fan chants. 4 minute first performs “Mirror, Mirror.” This is the second time they’ve visited Malaysia, and they introduce themselves in Malay. They also perform “Heart to Heart” “I My Me Mine” “Muzik” and “Hot Issue” . 4 minute’s sexiness and cuteness is one of the highlights of the night. Hyunah makes a heart shape with her hands while performing “Heart to Heart.” The emcees teach them how to say “pretty” in Malay and praising their beautiful, hot image. HyunNa was so beautiful, no doubt bout it.

Once again on stage is U-Kiss with their new song “Neverland.” This is the first time they perform this song overseas, and fans are very happy about it. After introducing their members, they continue with performances of “Bingeul Bingeul” and “Every Day.”
Interview with U-Kiss during the concert
Emcee 1: A few minutes ago, Kevin and Dongho were with us in neat suits and bow ties, and now they are wearing this military-theme outfit. Wow!
U-Kiss: This is our third time to visit Malaysia, and we want to hold our own concert here, too!
After a short interview, they perform “0330″ and their hottest song “Man Man Ha Ni.” They end their performace saying, ‘‘Aku Cinta Pada Mu ( I love you),” which once again gratifies the fans.

Next on stage is Park Jung Min. He performs his new single “Not Alone.” He introduces himself in Chinese. But of course i didnt understand. So here are the translation:
(Hi , I’m Park Jung Min. I feel so happy to be in Malaysia. I hope everyone will enjoy tonight!)
He performs “Because It’s You” “Everyday Is My Christmas” . He shakes his butt, which gets a lot laughter and cheering from the audience. Park smiles brightly throughout the performance.
The emcees ask, “How do you feel about being in Malaysia?”
Park answers, “I came to Malaysia once four years ago, Malaysia is a warm country but you (the audience) are even warmer!
He has prepared a special message in Malay saying, ‘We will do our best to give you all the best show.” His pronunciation is really good, and he gets the correct essence of the sound of the Malay language in some of the words! He is really talented, not only in his career but also in languages.
Park sings the song “Missing You” from the Korean TV series Princess’s Men. This is the first time he has ever performed this song in Malaysia. He also sings “Let Go

With this performer will be the highlight of the night: Big Bang’s Victory Seungri.
Lightstick are sit and whistles blow. Everyone in the stadium is excited.
When Seungri gets on stage with his dancers, the fans scream and shout.
He performs his song “VVIP” His dancing and vocals are excellent.
Interview during the concert
Emcee: How you feel about being in Malaysia?
VI: (answers in fluent English) I am excited to be here!
Emcee : What do you think about Malaysian fans?
VI: (a brief pause) Bagus! ( meaning ‘awesome’ in the Malay language)
Emcee: Will Big Bang hold a concert here?
VI: I don’t want just to have a concert here, I want to live here!
This is really a good answer! Fans are really satisfied, and atmosphere get heated up again.
Saying “Are you ready to party?” , he continue his solo performance with “What Can I Do” and “Strong Baby

Up next is the main highlight of this concert GD & TOP. When the big screen shows GD & TOP’s video, the whole stadium fills with the sounds of screaming and shouting, Everyone stands up and waves the lightsticks. Everything has become livelier than ever, with many of the audience even standing on their chair. This is big show time!
GD & Top appear on the stage singing “Knockout” The fans’ chanting is getting louder and louder
Then they repeated it with "OH YEAH"
Emcee: Unbelievable I’m standing right next to GD & TOP! Take a picture guys, come on.
What is your first impression of Malaysian fans?
GD: What’s up, Malaysia!
Emcee: That’s G-dragon . Top?
TOP: Nice to meet you, I’m TOP.
Emcee: They have fans wherever they go. Everytime they go somewhere, there’s always someone waiting. It’s amazing how popular they are. What you think about Malaysia?
GD: Its amazing. Everybody seems to like Big Bang. I love this place.
Emcee: You know, when I was in Singapore working as a DJ for a concert, a girl approached me. I thought she was approaching me, but she asked, “Where’s TOP?” I didn’t know.
Emcee 2: That’s embarrassing.
Emcee: Where’s TOP?
TOP : Right here.
Emcee: There’s a sign board that says “Marry me.” .I’m going to ask you all to do something. Scream to the max!
(The audience screams.)
Emcee: How do you feel? It’s like the whole world is cheering for you guys.
TOP : Baby, good job.
Emcee: Is there a plan for Big Bang to ho a concert here?
(The audience is so loud the answer is inaudible,.)
Emcee: They actually said something. GD and Top, you’re going to drive them crazy, right?
Are you ready for GD and TOP?

The crowd goes crazy, getting more and more excitede as GD and Top sing “High High.” This is the last songs of the concert. Everyone feels this is not enough. The audience refuses to leave.
Nevertheless, this is actually the last song, There is no encore, the crowd gets very excited and many of them stand up and scream for the next.

Tonight is a beautiful night, and this concert is one of the most exciting K-pop concerts to have taken place in Malaysia. Everyone wants more and hopes to have another concert very soon.
After the concert, fans wait at the exit, hoping to see the performers before they get in their cars.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Trial! Early Crush !

Either sad either mad, dont know which mood would express this heart feeling right now. This all happened because of that stupid Zaid Asyraf! It was all his fault! He's the boy that was not struggling even a little and doing the last minute job although its state-level trial! So now, just accept the consequences. The worst result among the bad maybe. Haish AddMath Sejarah Chemistry already conformed to fail. But LK tak lah? Wahwah wah.. the Bad LK ever I had in life. While everyone is getting between A and A+, im only get credict? What the Hell !!!! Hmm now Im wondering what will happen to others paper. Is it going to sink? or will it shining as the pleasure mark as the light of hope? We'll see bout that later. Now Im greatly focusing on Mechanical Engineering
LK(engineering drawing) Board

Monday 8 August 2011

Un'Forget'Fool FastingDay

This 7th ramadhan will be the most unforgettable day for me because there was two big thing happen during that day . 1st thing that was happen is I overslept !!!! I slept for the one whole day ! My mind became crazy right after that. Haish, tak tau la sah ke tak puasa time tu. Huhhh, dont know what exactly the problem is, but when I recall back the day before that thing happen, Nothing wrong ! If I said that I not get enough sleep... it is totally such a big lie because at that time, I already slept more than 7 hour. If I say that Im tired.. Gosh I was doing nothing! So what is the real answer for this complicated explanation? Hmm... in order to searching for the real purpose that made me sleep from 3am till 7pm (16hour) , let me write a little review so that we can solve this 'question mark'

Question mark in your mind?

Here little story about the thing happen at night before:
Little flash back maybe Help

At 9.50pm, rigth after finished Tarawih... (8 rakaat), ME+Friends went to Kbox .
Then at 11.30pm I left them and joined Nijer and Azriq at snuker.. That was my lucky day! Haha I beat them that night. Hmm, then at 12.30am we went to 'Downtown Jalan Reko', just for a night walk sessions.. We finally back home at 1.25am . 3 of us slept at Nijer place that night. Then at 3am I went to sleep.. but woke up at 5am after been awake by those guys(Ayek n Jer) 'Botak! Bangun! Sahur!!!' After sahur, saya sambung tidur lagi!!

 -Snooker here-
Bazaar Reko Sentral a.k.a Downtown Jln Reko

Now, return back to our story, after sahur we slept until 9am coz his mum just arrived for his grandparents house at that time. Now, its time for me to enjoy the sleep moment right after Nijer sent me back to home. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz sampai Maghrib . Time maghrib tu lagi lah, kelam kabut gile. Tak banyak makan time tu coz tengah mamai kan. Hmm this the worst puasa that I ever had in my life. That night I not going to tarawih but went to maple to match game between Man U n Man City. After the game then I realized that I just got  fever. Damn it. So that is why I absent from school today.

sleep duration
Man Utd won by 3-2 win over Man City
I was caught by fever

Thursday 4 August 2011

Magazine Of Z'Asyraf

List of My Fav Magazine =)

Dont know why, but on the 4th day of Ramadhan during the boring period, deep inside my complicated mind said that I should post about this thing haha.
Btw , this is a fact.. 'most of the people in this world must have their own favorite  magazine' and sometime there also have bunch of people that became addicted in collecting their fav reading.

TOP 10 list:

1st - Utopia

2nd - Klik

 3rd - Gempak
4th - Wisel!

5th - ROTTW

6th - Galaxie

7th - Kreko

8th - EPOP (malay version)

9th - Majalah PC

10th - E@siswa

Sunday 31 July 2011

Tarawih Journey Start! Hello Ramadhan

1st Day of Terawih

Ramadhan is back! Ramadhan Is..!!!!

After a year of waiting , now this great month has comeback again. I'm getting really excited when the TV said 'Anak Bulan sudah kelihatan, jadi esok diumumkan semua umat Islam akan berpuasa'
Yeayhhh! All of us were jumping coz to happy hahha. Then we all went to Masjid at Putrajaya for Terawih prayer. All of us came with full spirit and energy, but not for long. Everyone start to yawned right after Isyak prayer. During the 1st Rakaat of Terawih everybody seems to look like in sleeping mode. Praying with both eyes close haha. At first we though to make until the the 22th Rakaat, but that is just a dream, we all gave up after finished the 8th Rakaat of Terawih.
'Tadi menggelabah sangat cakap 20 takde hal la, boleh bwat sampai seratus la, nie baru 8 sume dah cabut. Ape citer brader..!?' didn't remember who said that but surely he is one of us.Although didn't finished the Terawih but we all still hang around the mosque coz masing-masing nak bajet ngan family yang dyeorg tu bwat complete 22 rakaat.

Bacaan untuk niat Solat Tarawih:

10.30pm - view tempat kiteorang melepak

Its so crowded at first, but slightly less after the 8th rakaat. There was so many people there, We can see a lot of Selipars at the shoes place. I think if you brought the expensive one, u'll lost your Selipers there. Picture above shows the best way to ensure our seliper is safe hahha.

Isnt it nice if everybody Insaf cam dyeorang nie ? =)

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