Saturday 25 June 2011

Final Phenomena of Maharaja Lawak Astro

After about a month Akademi Fantasia ended its program, now it's a turn for another Astro original program that named Maharaja Lawak to close its program. The final stage a.k.a closing shows was done successfully at Stadium Melawati(Shah Alam),Kuala Lumpur

For the viewers that is still not clear about Maharaja Lawak, here goes the concept:
Maharaja Lawak is a program on Astro Chanel which featuring former contestants from Raja Lawak from season 1until the season 5 to compete for the crown and title of Maharaja Lawak. The calculating result is based on the format 50% of the professional jury and another 50% SMS votes from voters, all contestant will be assigned to perform a show live on stage every weeks. The contestant that get the lowest mark for that week will be kick-out while the remaining will stay until the last week(final week),
After 13 weeks of waiting(since 1April 2011) the winner finally revealed.



With simple yet entertain performance, secured Sepah to top the first ever Maharaja Lawak hold this year. With members of Jep, Shuib and Mamat managed to bring home RM350,000 and a trophy in the event hold at Stadium Melawati Shah Alam last night. First runner up belongs to Jozan that also gave their fullest win RM250,000 and a trophy. 2nd and 3rd runner up given to the one and only soloist, Nabil and Jambu which win RM150,000, RM50,000 and a trophy each respectively. Performance judged by 3 permanent juries, Mamat Khalid, Ahmad Idham and Saiful Apek represents 50 percent of the votes and the remaining votes cast through SMS. Maharaja lawak was an inaugural reality program which gathered Raja Lawak ex-champions and finalist from 1st to 5th seasons. So, congratulation to Sepah, Jozan , Nabil and Jambu because they have already made their selves a phenomena in Malaysia.

The Finalist with final vote:





Tuesday 14 June 2011

Fall In with Akedemi Fantasia???

After nine seasons broadcasting on Astro Chanel, Akademi Fantasia, now officially, make its final kicks . It is a tradition in Akedemi Fantasia to delivery its finalist for their families at the end of the show.
. Actually I'm not a big fan of this reality TV show anymore. But i was one of the fanatic fans before. But now...oh nooooo!!!!!! Boring already and all the gimmicks and the plans are predictable. But nevermind, i've heard that this is the last AF? really? which means no more uji bakat AF10? Well, i think that’s good! Hahha
Btw I still watch they lively at Dataran Putrajaya last Sunday
Final AF Flyers

Waiting over 10 weeks, the question is finally answered when the students joined the program through the ‘Operasi Gugur’, Hazama Hazama Bin Ahmad Azmi or have been hailed as the last champion after beat the another 3 of Akademi Fantasia finalists Azri, Fina and Lena.Hazama. Hazama RM2000000 won cash prizes along with trophies and some accompaniment. 2nd place was won by Lena, third place held by Fina and fourth place went to Azri.
The Finalist
from left(Fina,Lena,Azri and Hazama)

By the end of Akademi Fantasia Final Concert 9, then it is ended too Akademi Fantasia for ever, and certainly all the memories created from first to last the season to beremembered forever.One Hope, One Purpose, One Destination.Dream all 9 Akademi Fantasia has been turned into reality haha
Last Moment For Mister BolaBola

The Concert start to kick off  at 9.00pm and ended at 12.03am.
It was so crowded there, I stuck in car because of the traffic jam . 
But, I dont mind as I'm happy because get to see Aida and Erul perfoming in front of my eyes =)
Aida (Nur Suhada)
Erul(Khairul Najmudin)

Look there!! Erul n Aida =)

Sunday 5 June 2011

Himpunan Sejuta Belia + Super Junior-M

Himpunan Sejuta Belia (PutraJaya)

Missed an opportunity to come on the opening day, without thinking, I attend the second day of Hari Belia (29th June 2011). The 1st thing that I saw there was the group of scout cycling  bike. And then were followed by a battalion of convoy of vehicles. The this event was officiated by the country's premier minister Dato Najib Razak. But, the things I most like to watch is Sasuke Malaysia ! it is a new games that were inspired from Japan's game called Sasuke.

Are they racing??

Our Prime Minister Dato Najib Razak

Convoy at Putrajaya

Sasuke Malaysia' Stage


Super Junior-M Concert!

The Stage Label

Its real chaos there in putrajaya that night, all visitors are treated to great performances from one of the Famous k-pop boy band that formed of seven young men (Han Geng, Siwon, Donghae, Henry, Kyuhyun, Zhou Mi, Ryeowook). SJ-M appeared on stage, with brown-white formal attire. Everyone almost looked the same. Started the hit with PERFECTION, I could not see Siwon and Donghae there. Anyway, all shouted like no tomorrow and amazed all local artists. After perfection, they were introducing themselves. Henry spoke English, Zhoumi spoke Cantonese and the others used Chinese and Korean language while interacting with the audience. The MC taught them how to speak Malay since they only knew 'Apa khabar'. The MC taught Eunhyuk how to say saranghae in Malay. Eunhyuk tried to say but not so good for the first time. He said again and finally he succeed. 'Saya cinta padamu'. MC taught them to say Malay again. She asked them to say 'Sayang' and all of them said that. HAHA. Sungmin said 'Saya sayang Malaysia' but he pronounced 'Sayang sayang Malaysia'. OK, the event continued with solo performance by each members except Sungmin. I don't know why they don't let he to perform . First was Henry's solo. Mygod. Really, he is totaly good performer. Then kept going on with Zhoumi, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk solo. Eunhyuk's solo was the most awesome. He performed Michael Jackson dance. He was stylish in red and black. All solo ended and they appeared on stage again. The MC said some lucky fans would get picked up to fan meet SJM. But it was a lie. Nobody got the chance except the 6 who already got picked up. Nobody knew how they got picked except themselves. Luckily. Those fans were given a chance to ask them ONE question as they like. The kyuhyun's fan asked, 'Between game and fans, who will you pick?' Kyuhyun smiled and said 'Ta tayah ta...' and he stopped because he did not know how to say. HAHA. The translator whispered the sentences to him. He was blur and said 'Ta ta tan..'. He still couldn't get it and I laughed because of that. His face was blur at that time. At last, the translator helped him to say 'Kyuhyun say Tak payah tanyalah'. HAHA, Kyu said he chose fans! All shouted at the same. The last one, Eunhyuk.  A girl asked 'Are you still wearing other members' underwear?' The translator translated for him and he laughed and shocked. HAHAHA. He said no and said want to show his underwear. Skip the fanmeet part, they continued the event by singing Destiny on sub-stage. After Destiny, all went back to backstage and said bye-bye. The whole crowd thought it was ended and many were ready to leave, me too. Suddenly the MC said 'Are you getting enough of SJ-M?' so i knew that it still got performance. All boys appeared once again on stage. SUPER GIRL! That’s the last song that they sing as closing for the night. Okay then, it was really ended. They bowed 90 degrees to all crowd and left.
So the most anticipated day had just passed.
 Haha Im at front stage
Its my 1st time to see SJM 

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