Thursday 22 September 2011

Trial! Early Crush !

Either sad either mad, dont know which mood would express this heart feeling right now. This all happened because of that stupid Zaid Asyraf! It was all his fault! He's the boy that was not struggling even a little and doing the last minute job although its state-level trial! So now, just accept the consequences. The worst result among the bad maybe. Haish AddMath Sejarah Chemistry already conformed to fail. But LK tak lah? Wahwah wah.. the Bad LK ever I had in life. While everyone is getting between A and A+, im only get credict? What the Hell !!!! Hmm now Im wondering what will happen to others paper. Is it going to sink? or will it shining as the pleasure mark as the light of hope? We'll see bout that later. Now Im greatly focusing on Mechanical Engineering
LK(engineering drawing) Board
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