Saturday 28 May 2011

Facing True Enemy

MID YEAR exams are over. I feel raw, going over every detail of what I could have done differently. My shaking hands at the end telling me this is tough. Taking a deep breath. Remembering the charms and good wishes in my pocket...the wishbone that I was too scared to pull in case I didn't get the right end, the rock, the butterfly eraser. Wishes to help me get through a difficult event, to help me remember what's important, to help me be happy.

Thursday was the first paper of SMT Sepang Mid Year Test - Physics Paper. To prevent possible doziness, I had a energy mint that were given by my dad. It's kind of like a normal mint but the caffeine content is more than a can of red bull.
So I had one. I wouldn't say I was totally active and bright and alive, but at least I didn't doze off or feel sleepy while doing the paper itself. It was only after at the last 20minutes of the paper and I had some free time, then I started yawning a little. I guess boredom still beats caffeine after all. This things was repeated again n again, day by day.

Anyway here the timetable for whole 3weeks exam:
THURSDAY - Physics(2) Physics(1) and Physics(3)
FRIDAY - Chemistry(2) Chemistry(1)
WEDNESDAY - B.Melayu(1) B.Melayu(2)
THURSDAY - English(1) English(2) Chemistry(3)
FRIDAY - Mathematic(1)Mathematic(2)
MONDAY - Mechanical Engineering(2) History(1) History(2)
TUESDAY - Mechanical Engineering(1) Pen. Agama Islam(1)&(2)
WEDNESDAY - Additional Mathematics
THURSDAY - Engineering Drawing

I don't know, but I'm never confident in my essay. Well sure, I kind of like this essay I wrote, but I really don't know if I did it properly.
Still, what I'm more worried about is the 3 killing subject, Addmath, Physics and Chemist. Not to forget the KM. It was like about a torture moment.

By The Way, just to tell,,
During the examination week..
there was lot of things were happen in class.

Once In A Blue Moon (1stTime kelas nie senyap)

Meaningless Paper I Think

Best Toyol Eva

Friday 27 May 2011

Happy Teachers' Day


 MatYen performing on the hall stage
(in picture: Awie, Wan n Fiqrie during Teachers Day) 

Video of Ajim Genji n Awie

Same Rider Different Back Tears

Comeback Stage

 School's main problem(konon-nye)
No Discipline , No school life
The Punishment

Setelah selesai menjalani cuti paksaan selama 2 Minggu, akhirnya tanggal 9Mei 2011 menjadi pembuka tirai sebagai hari kembali ke sekolah.
‘Agrrhh,, What a life…, its totally a hatred to becoming back as student. I kept asking myself about 'why the times flies so fast when we are enjoying something??
Hurm , 2weeks suspension of schools that being served by me felt like just over 2 days only. Maybe this is becoz I extremely enjoying the the time. Hmm.. now the world seems look to turning around. The life return back as a normal school boy life.

(Back To Boring Time)

The things that change back due to my situation:
-Got to sleep at nite and wake up early in the morning.
-Going out and play at Day and stay home at night
-Forget the novel and comics and change to textbooks
-Stop all gaming things and do more on subject revision

Its totally sucks! But luckly he had a lot of schoolmates as friends. They keep saying the same thing during my first comeback day to Septech. They all wishing me a lot of welcome back words
What I do at home during the Suspension???
This thing? Ohh NO WAY MAN!

This the truth
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