Sunday 31 July 2011

Tarawih Journey Start! Hello Ramadhan

1st Day of Terawih

Ramadhan is back! Ramadhan Is..!!!!

After a year of waiting , now this great month has comeback again. I'm getting really excited when the TV said 'Anak Bulan sudah kelihatan, jadi esok diumumkan semua umat Islam akan berpuasa'
Yeayhhh! All of us were jumping coz to happy hahha. Then we all went to Masjid at Putrajaya for Terawih prayer. All of us came with full spirit and energy, but not for long. Everyone start to yawned right after Isyak prayer. During the 1st Rakaat of Terawih everybody seems to look like in sleeping mode. Praying with both eyes close haha. At first we though to make until the the 22th Rakaat, but that is just a dream, we all gave up after finished the 8th Rakaat of Terawih.
'Tadi menggelabah sangat cakap 20 takde hal la, boleh bwat sampai seratus la, nie baru 8 sume dah cabut. Ape citer brader..!?' didn't remember who said that but surely he is one of us.Although didn't finished the Terawih but we all still hang around the mosque coz masing-masing nak bajet ngan family yang dyeorg tu bwat complete 22 rakaat.

Bacaan untuk niat Solat Tarawih:

10.30pm - view tempat kiteorang melepak

Its so crowded at first, but slightly less after the 8th rakaat. There was so many people there, We can see a lot of Selipars at the shoes place. I think if you brought the expensive one, u'll lost your Selipers there. Picture above shows the best way to ensure our seliper is safe hahha.

Isnt it nice if everybody Insaf cam dyeorang nie ? =)

Saturday 30 July 2011

Netbook 1Malaysia!

Net 1Malaysia(BenQ)

Wake up early in the morning , like always, same like usual Saturday I took a bath and then breakfast. But the different for this Saturday is I'm going to Dengkil for the Netbook receiving event. Start the car and then we got there at 8.30am Sharp! The lies is clearly showed when they said the event start at 8.30 while the truth is after 10am. This 'great ceremony' were held at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan(C) Dengkil.

Among the activities done at the stage is :
1) Penyampaian input pertanian oleh MPPP berjumlah RM210,000.00 untuk DUN Tg. Sepat, Dengkil dan Sg. Pelek
2) Penyampaian sumbangan cek kepada PIBG sekolah-sekolah Parlimen Sepang berjumlah RM83,000.00 untuk 66 buah sekolah di tiga DUN tersebut
3) Penyampaian sumbangan komputer riba 1 Malaysia (Fasa 2) Parlimen Sepang sebanyak 1000 buah notebook untuk 1000 orang pelajar Sekolah Menengah

Y.B Dato' Sri Ir Mohd Zin
#Orang nie la yang bagi aku Rm50 time dapat 5A dalam UPSR dulu#

Saturday 23 July 2011

Beyond The Magic! Greatest Movie Ever!


Its totally such a lies if there are somebody said the HP7 is boring or just average because this movie was extremely excited !!!
From the 1st minute until the last, this movie was full with action! mostly lah. Not only that, the slow part in this movie is not boring as the other film because it is fully contain with scene and dialog that lead to the key for revealing the mysteries of the story.
The things that still in my mind is about the HORCRUX and the PEOPLE DIED. It is very sad to see too many characters dead in this movie. 
Little about Deathly Hollow:

Harry is plagued with rumors of Dumbledore’s past, and begins to wonder if the Headmaster he so long revered might have had a much darker past than he ever let on. The three are frequently without food, and with winter coming their journey is no day at the beach. Because of their lack of plan, lack of food, and lack of progress, their spirits are often low, and Ron especially becomes argumentative. One night he and Harry get into an epic fight and Ron leaves to go back home. Now Ron make one mistake...oohhh Godddd...
Harry and Hermione are devastated that he’d abandoned them. They finally decide to revisit Godric’s Hollow in search of clues, and once again they’re almost caught by Voldemort. Then, the scream part are started...hahaha... Every step they make, it seems, he is there anticipating them. They’ve almost died too many times to count, and their spirits sink even lower when Harry discovers his wand was broken in the battle.
Ron redeems himself a few weeks later by coming back and saving Harry’s life in the nick of time. They manage to destroy another Horcrux with Gryffindor’s sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows. Whomever possesses the three objects will be a master of death, and to Harry, it’s his one chance to beat Voldemort and live to tell the tale.
As his adventures and the danger he’s in increases, Harry begins to truly understand what Dumbledore intended him to do. He realizes, almost at the last minute, that his own life will have to be sacrificed in order for Voldemort to truly be vanquished. Filled with love for his friends, he willingly gives his life so that they may live.
His last act of heroism, however, saves his life. He meets Dumbledore again in deatha, and Dumbledore answers many of his questions. He is given a choice to stay or to go back, and he chooses to go back and fight.
It’s all over between Harry and Voldemort with just one spell. Harry is left alive, the true master of the Hallows, and Voldemort is killed for good. He now understands more than he ever has about love, and life, and sacrifice, and in spite of the loss of many of his friends during the last battle, is grateful for the second chance he’s been given at life, and love.

The Cast:
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
Tom Felton
Mattew Lewis
James and Oliver Phelps
Maggie Smith
Helena Bonham Carter

Horcrux is actually a thing that Lord Voldemort use to keep his soul(life)
He divide his soul into seven, So thats mean he has seven Horcrux

Tom Riddle's Diary
Marvolo Gaunt's Ring
Hermione Time Turner
Salazar Slytherin's Locket
Helga Hufflepuff's Cup
Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem

People Died:
Usually, in movie its hard to see the main characters died but in here, it does. 
There was too many people died during the battle.
Here goes the list of among main characters that been killed.


The Review
Anyways, I would like to have had more face time with several of the characters we’ve grown to know and love…i know in the later books, pretty much everyone besides Harry Hermione and Ron are reduced to mostly afterthoughts, but in this final film, it would have bee nice to spend a little more time with McGonagall, Hagrid, Neville and Luna….Each had a few moments…literally… to deliver a plot point, or make an aside, but by and large they are scant window dressing for the harry vs voldemort show…which is ok, but it could have felt richer and more meaningful if i had felt more connected to the other characters…at the apex of the film, names hordes (of students and teachers) run pell mell through halls while hogwarts tries to defend itself from Voldemort and his death eaters. what ends up as a fairly distant and disconnected montage, could have been time spent making me think on the sacrifices being made and feeling sad about the lives being lost…instead i didnt really feel anything….perhaps that was intentional on the filmmakers part–have the audience mirror Harry’s isolation and unfeelingness at the end, but i wanted to feel emotional highs at that point and i experienced the climactic sequences as a lot of “meh” moments rather than “aha!” moments. oh well. I thought Severus’ death scene and pensieve ontage was a nice break from the rest. As with the books, i was left feeling Snape’s end was perhaps more tragic than Harry’s.

The Novel by J.K Rowling

Sunday 17 July 2011

First 12 Millions of Malay Film


Some movie trailers that we watch makes us feel excited and make us want to watch the movie but only ended up the best part I in-reveal her trailer near it. Well, KL Gangster's trailer entice you to go watch the movie and will give you much more.

My brother summarized the movie pretty well "Dari start sampai habis pasal langgar kawasan je. Dia langgar kawasan orang tu, orang tu langgar kawasan orang ni, orang ni terlanggar kawasan orang tu". #LOL
I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoyed watching the freaking movie. It was surprisingly entertaining to be honest. Although I am not very fond of Syamsul, but I have to give the credit When it is due. 1 thing in common that Syamsul shares with his father is that they know what the people want. The only difference is that his father is a little bit skema and Syamsul.. 'Langgar semua.'

I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoyed watching the freaking movie. It was surprisingly entertaining to be honest. Walaupun aku tak berapa gemar dengan Syamsul, but I have to give credit when credit is due. 1 thing in common that Syamsul shares with his father is that they know what the people want. The only difference is that his father is a little bit skema and Syamsul.. langgar semua.
Its funny when I heard that PEKIDA wants to sue him because the movie reveals too much of the so called NGO's "secrets" and how the movie portrays the MINORITY of the Malays lifestyle as gangsters. It's not really a secret if almost everybody knows about it lah Tuan Besar.. Btw People actually doesn’t know it was a big secret until lah they open their mouth.

When the Pekida marah yang this movie is portray the MINORITY of the Malays as samseng, I came to a big laughed! Haha. It is what it is. I can't say what I saw in the movie is not happening right now. It is true fact.

"Sekarang Tak Kira Lu Abang Long Ka, Lu Ayahanda Ka, Ini KL Gua Pegang" haha

What I enjoyed about the movie was not the action or the storyline, but the dialogues! Some people feel 'disgust' when watch Malays stories because its dialogue sounds unrealistic or too scripted. It's like "there's no way anybody would say anything like that!" kinds of script. But not this movie! its was so unique! =)

Everybody nailed their part in this movie. From the beginning to the extra. They all got their own trade mark or memorable moment.

Aoran Aziz (Malek)

Syamsul Yusof (Shark)
I'm impressed that Syamsul carried his character very well. ‘Ini budak elok belakon jadi jahat saja lah..

Ady Putra(Jai)

Ady Putra in this movie is super gangster. From start till the end, only hittng people.Almost of his acting part in this movie is fighting scene.

Zizan (Fadhil)

Every movie needs its own goofy sidekick and Zizan filled in this role to perfection. Super tension breaker sial character dia. Mana taknya, setiap kali dia keluar mesti orang terbarai gelak. Nicely done.

Soffi Jikan(Ajib)

Shoffi Jikan man! He was epic as hell in the freaking movie! Super Sengat!

Friday 15 July 2011

Goal Feast at Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil!

Here the flyer
Entered the National Field
Both Team shake hand first

The match threatened to go as it did against Arsenal when Charlie Adam scored a disputed penalty as referee Nagor Amir Noor Mohamed momentarily stole the limelight when Andy Carroll went down in the box chasing an Adam pass with Fadhli in close pursuit.But Malaysia stunned Liverpool in the 43rd minute when Safiq sent a beautiful free-kick over the wall, past a diving Jones and into the top corner of the net to the delight of the over 80,000 fans.

First goal of the match by Adam(pen)

Stunning! Shafiq Rahim (Blue) marks a goal on a free hit after doging Liverpool's defence line

Shafiq Rahim celebrated his world class free goal with teammates 

David Ngog then scored in the 68th and 70th minutes -- stabbing in the first after a mix up between Fadhli and Muslim before another mistake by Muslim allowed the Frenchman to fire an unstoppable shot past Khairul Fahmi Che Mat. After Maxi Rodriguez slid in to make it 4-1 off Emiliano Insua's cross in the 75th minute, Safee struck twice barely 10 minutes after coming on. The Pelita Jaya striker bundled the ball in from close range in the 79th minute when Martin Hansen parried Amirulhadi Zainal's cross into his path before coolly slotting in from an angle three minutes later.
Even as Malaysia pushed for an equaliser, Liverpool tore the home defence apart for Rodriguez and Dirk Kuyt to score in stoppage time.

Safee Sali celebrates after scoring against Liverpool

Liverpool FC player Alberto Aqualini (L) tries to dodge the Malaysian defence line during the match

Spirit from the Fans, Liverlaysia =)

Although I am the big fan of Liverpool, but i guest I still have to admit that the games was so boring until the last of 25 minutes. Only during the last 25th minute both team sub in their most quality player but the real frustrated is Luis Suarez didn't come. If he come it think it will be like this:

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