Saturday 23 July 2011

Beyond The Magic! Greatest Movie Ever!


Its totally such a lies if there are somebody said the HP7 is boring or just average because this movie was extremely excited !!!
From the 1st minute until the last, this movie was full with action! mostly lah. Not only that, the slow part in this movie is not boring as the other film because it is fully contain with scene and dialog that lead to the key for revealing the mysteries of the story.
The things that still in my mind is about the HORCRUX and the PEOPLE DIED. It is very sad to see too many characters dead in this movie. 
Little about Deathly Hollow:

Harry is plagued with rumors of Dumbledore’s past, and begins to wonder if the Headmaster he so long revered might have had a much darker past than he ever let on. The three are frequently without food, and with winter coming their journey is no day at the beach. Because of their lack of plan, lack of food, and lack of progress, their spirits are often low, and Ron especially becomes argumentative. One night he and Harry get into an epic fight and Ron leaves to go back home. Now Ron make one mistake...oohhh Godddd...
Harry and Hermione are devastated that he’d abandoned them. They finally decide to revisit Godric’s Hollow in search of clues, and once again they’re almost caught by Voldemort. Then, the scream part are started...hahaha... Every step they make, it seems, he is there anticipating them. They’ve almost died too many times to count, and their spirits sink even lower when Harry discovers his wand was broken in the battle.
Ron redeems himself a few weeks later by coming back and saving Harry’s life in the nick of time. They manage to destroy another Horcrux with Gryffindor’s sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows. Whomever possesses the three objects will be a master of death, and to Harry, it’s his one chance to beat Voldemort and live to tell the tale.
As his adventures and the danger he’s in increases, Harry begins to truly understand what Dumbledore intended him to do. He realizes, almost at the last minute, that his own life will have to be sacrificed in order for Voldemort to truly be vanquished. Filled with love for his friends, he willingly gives his life so that they may live.
His last act of heroism, however, saves his life. He meets Dumbledore again in deatha, and Dumbledore answers many of his questions. He is given a choice to stay or to go back, and he chooses to go back and fight.
It’s all over between Harry and Voldemort with just one spell. Harry is left alive, the true master of the Hallows, and Voldemort is killed for good. He now understands more than he ever has about love, and life, and sacrifice, and in spite of the loss of many of his friends during the last battle, is grateful for the second chance he’s been given at life, and love.

The Cast:
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Watson
Rupert Grint
Tom Felton
Mattew Lewis
James and Oliver Phelps
Maggie Smith
Helena Bonham Carter

Horcrux is actually a thing that Lord Voldemort use to keep his soul(life)
He divide his soul into seven, So thats mean he has seven Horcrux

Tom Riddle's Diary
Marvolo Gaunt's Ring
Hermione Time Turner
Salazar Slytherin's Locket
Helga Hufflepuff's Cup
Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem

People Died:
Usually, in movie its hard to see the main characters died but in here, it does. 
There was too many people died during the battle.
Here goes the list of among main characters that been killed.


The Review
Anyways, I would like to have had more face time with several of the characters we’ve grown to know and love…i know in the later books, pretty much everyone besides Harry Hermione and Ron are reduced to mostly afterthoughts, but in this final film, it would have bee nice to spend a little more time with McGonagall, Hagrid, Neville and Luna….Each had a few moments…literally… to deliver a plot point, or make an aside, but by and large they are scant window dressing for the harry vs voldemort show…which is ok, but it could have felt richer and more meaningful if i had felt more connected to the other characters…at the apex of the film, names hordes (of students and teachers) run pell mell through halls while hogwarts tries to defend itself from Voldemort and his death eaters. what ends up as a fairly distant and disconnected montage, could have been time spent making me think on the sacrifices being made and feeling sad about the lives being lost…instead i didnt really feel anything….perhaps that was intentional on the filmmakers part–have the audience mirror Harry’s isolation and unfeelingness at the end, but i wanted to feel emotional highs at that point and i experienced the climactic sequences as a lot of “meh” moments rather than “aha!” moments. oh well. I thought Severus’ death scene and pensieve ontage was a nice break from the rest. As with the books, i was left feeling Snape’s end was perhaps more tragic than Harry’s.

The Novel by J.K Rowling

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