Sunday 17 July 2011

First 12 Millions of Malay Film


Some movie trailers that we watch makes us feel excited and make us want to watch the movie but only ended up the best part I in-reveal her trailer near it. Well, KL Gangster's trailer entice you to go watch the movie and will give you much more.

My brother summarized the movie pretty well "Dari start sampai habis pasal langgar kawasan je. Dia langgar kawasan orang tu, orang tu langgar kawasan orang ni, orang ni terlanggar kawasan orang tu". #LOL
I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoyed watching the freaking movie. It was surprisingly entertaining to be honest. Although I am not very fond of Syamsul, but I have to give the credit When it is due. 1 thing in common that Syamsul shares with his father is that they know what the people want. The only difference is that his father is a little bit skema and Syamsul.. 'Langgar semua.'

I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoyed watching the freaking movie. It was surprisingly entertaining to be honest. Walaupun aku tak berapa gemar dengan Syamsul, but I have to give credit when credit is due. 1 thing in common that Syamsul shares with his father is that they know what the people want. The only difference is that his father is a little bit skema and Syamsul.. langgar semua.
Its funny when I heard that PEKIDA wants to sue him because the movie reveals too much of the so called NGO's "secrets" and how the movie portrays the MINORITY of the Malays lifestyle as gangsters. It's not really a secret if almost everybody knows about it lah Tuan Besar.. Btw People actually doesn’t know it was a big secret until lah they open their mouth.

When the Pekida marah yang this movie is portray the MINORITY of the Malays as samseng, I came to a big laughed! Haha. It is what it is. I can't say what I saw in the movie is not happening right now. It is true fact.

"Sekarang Tak Kira Lu Abang Long Ka, Lu Ayahanda Ka, Ini KL Gua Pegang" haha

What I enjoyed about the movie was not the action or the storyline, but the dialogues! Some people feel 'disgust' when watch Malays stories because its dialogue sounds unrealistic or too scripted. It's like "there's no way anybody would say anything like that!" kinds of script. But not this movie! its was so unique! =)

Everybody nailed their part in this movie. From the beginning to the extra. They all got their own trade mark or memorable moment.

Aoran Aziz (Malek)

Syamsul Yusof (Shark)
I'm impressed that Syamsul carried his character very well. ‘Ini budak elok belakon jadi jahat saja lah..

Ady Putra(Jai)

Ady Putra in this movie is super gangster. From start till the end, only hittng people.Almost of his acting part in this movie is fighting scene.

Zizan (Fadhil)

Every movie needs its own goofy sidekick and Zizan filled in this role to perfection. Super tension breaker sial character dia. Mana taknya, setiap kali dia keluar mesti orang terbarai gelak. Nicely done.

Soffi Jikan(Ajib)

Shoffi Jikan man! He was epic as hell in the freaking movie! Super Sengat!

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